sâmbătă, noiembrie 25, 2017

Unknown Cenotaph

There is no light still shining
on winter's cloak of white
on fields of stars erased by time
there is no guiding light

Once pure in dreams belated
there's nothing left inside
long claws have ripped apart
the child that dreamt of white

Instead, now stands the adult
that swims in seas of lies...
the hounds of death are howling
and feast on all that's right.  

joi, octombrie 05, 2017

Vellamo (A sailor's funeral)

Don't take my body home
don't tell anyone I know
Just wrap my body in black sails
and throw me in the waves

let my mistress's wolves surround me
and feed me to a cold abyss 
where storms await in broken dungeons
and light will find its hell and peace

Don't let red dust run on my bones
with lines that feed the jaws of time
no heavy stone or dirt will mark a grave
no heavy stone or dirt will crush my lungs

Don't tell anyone I knew
that I believed in nothingness
just let the water run its course 
to where I'll start anew. 

marți, mai 02, 2017


Am incercat sa te ascult
sa iti simt inima in tample
departe, aproape, oriunde as fi
in zari, departe,
pe drumuri de noapte
unde norii scalda in aburi
codrii strajuind tacerea din noi

Ne temeam de ce va veni
dar am fost rapusi de tot ce a fost
de mici secunde in care
te-am regasit printre pagini tocite
de amprentele lasate in timp
de timp
de dorul din noi

Ne temeam ca vom imbatrani
din praguri tocite privind
spre rasarit, stiind ca apusul
ne va gasi pregatiti
de noaptea cea lunga.

Am incercat sa te ascult
dar pianul din noi
a acoperit cuvintele
ce nu le-am mai rostit.

Permite-mi sa te acopar acum
in marmura rece ce a incetat sa bata-
ramai acolo, pentru totdeauna
tanara, visatoare, cu mari albastre in ochi

departe de noi.