marți, mai 21, 2013


Am cautat prin mii de pagini
istorii spuse de demult-

cum ramuri de maslini stau frante
cand corbii inconjoara minti

cum din bucati de soare
calatorim in timp-

Pastrez acum in suflet
un cer senin de noapte
de vara si de dor

pastrez bucati din linii
trasate de destinul
ce singur m-a ales

doar in a lasa prin ele
nemuritorii zei
sa nasca inca odata
istorii de demult-

cum totul a-nceput din tot
spre a deveni un punct.

Band of Brothers

And there we stood- with iron bursting into darkness
with flames and death around us
with smashed bodies and torn souls

just few of us were tearing fear's mask
and sheltered our pain
under the cross we've bought

and when the dawn gave birth
to another day of sorrow
there were we, lucky few,
facing a life once more.